NewsTragic discovery. Teacher found dead in West London church halts elite school's Nativity play

Tragic discovery. Teacher found dead in West London church halts elite school's Nativity play

Entrance to the Anglican Church of St. Matthew in Bayswater, London.
Entrance to the Anglican Church of St. Matthew in Bayswater, London.
Images source: © Wikimedia Commons

3:06 PM EST, December 13, 2023

The news has shaken the school community of this elite female-only educational institution located in Notting Hill. The circumstances surrounding the teacher's death remain unclear, with poignant coincidences marking the case.

The church dedicated to St. Matthew, located on St. Petersburgh Place, was set to host the premiere of a school performance in the coming days. The students of Pembridge Hall School prepared for this performance.

The students were working on staging Christmas nativity plays. Rehearsals were taking place at both the school and the nearby church, where the young students were soon expected to perform for an audience consisting of their teachers and families.

The tragedy has deeply touched school staff, students, and their families. The thought of a performance on a stage where a body was recently found is unimaginable.

Also tragic are the horrifying details surrounding the event. The teacher's body was found by Will Coleridge, the vicar of the church. In an interview with the "Mirror" newspaper, the vicar commented that he made the shocking discovery in the middle of the night during his routine inspection of the church.

Nativity cancelled after finding dead teacher in church

The vicar went on to comment that the nativity play would need to be relocated, not only due to the presence of investigative detectives gathering evidence but also because of the inappropriate nature of staging a performance at the site of such a gruesome find. "Given what happened, it would not seem right to host a Christmas show here now," he stated.

He further added that fortunately, no students were present during the grim discovery. "The entire matter is extremely distressing. Both the school and parish community are coping with a traumatic experience," expressed the vicar.

According to a spokesperson for the Metropolitan Police, the deceased teacher was 52 years old. "The next of kin have been informed. The death is being treated as sudden and unexpected, but preliminary investigations do not suggest suspicious circumstances. The case files will be forwarded to the coroner," the officer confirmed.

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