NewsTragedy in Mexico: American tourist electrocuted in hotel hot tub

Tragedy in Mexico: American tourist electrocuted in hotel hot tub

They went to Mexico to rest. He is dead, she ended up in the hospital.
They went to Mexico to rest. He is dead, she ended up in the hospital.
Images source: © GoFundMe

6:07 AM EDT, June 15, 2024

An American couple was vacationing at the Sonora Sea Resort in Puerto Peñasco in northwestern Mexico. The couple wanted to relax in the hot tub. The bath ended with the death of 43-year-old Jorge Guillen, and his wife was seriously injured.

Originally from Texas, Jorge Guillen and his wife, Lizette Zambrano, went to the Sonora Sea Resort in Puerto Peñasco, Mexico. The couple enjoyed the attractions available on-site, one of which turned out to be a deadly threat. Around 8:30 PM Eastern Time, the couple entered the hot tub. During the bath, the couple was electrocuted.

One of the eyewitnesses told Telemundo that attempts were made to get the couple out of the hot tub. However, it was impossible due to the risk of electrocution, and chaos ensued when the electric shock occurred.

When the emergency services arrived, 43-year-old Jorge was underwater. According to witnesses, all hot tubs in the resort were disconnected, making it possible to remove the victims. The prosecutor's office is investigating what caused the death of the American tourist.

As reported by the "New York Post," the injured woman had burns that indicated she had been electrocuted. A possible cause of the accident was faulty hot tub wiring.

Relatives organized a special fundraiser

The couple's family and friends set up a fundraiser on GoFundMe. The funds raised will allow Jorge's body to be brought back home and for the treatment of his injured wife. Lizette Zambrano was taken to the hospital in critical condition.

Our best friends experienced a terrible accident. Jorge had a heart of gold and was always there for family and friends. The love they shared lasted for ages. We ask for help in bringing him home and covering her medical expenses – the fundraiser description appealed.

The fundraiser's organizers need 50,000 dollars. At the time the article was written, 42,590 dollars had been raised.

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