LifestyleTikTok's new stress-buster. Shower Orange Challenge trend promises "pure joy"

TikTok's new stress-buster. Shower Orange Challenge trend promises "pure joy"

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11:06 AM EST, January 11, 2024

Are you grappling with seemingly unmanageable stress? We recommend trying this seemingly absurd yet intriguing trend of eating an orange in the shower. Many claim it works wonders!

Online users are thrilled with this trend, quickly gaining traction on TikTok. They describe the experience of showering with oranges as invigorating, highlighting that it stimulates all the senses. A DIY spa day with an orange in hand, they suggest, can yield many benefits.

"Oranges are highly nutritious and should be consumed regularly. They are an excellent source of nutrients such as vitamin C, beta-carotene, and B vitamins, among others. Oranges hydrate the body and contain valuable minerals like calcium, selenium, and magnesium. However, peeling oranges can be messy, with sticky juice dripping and creating a nuisance. For this reason, eating this delicious fruit becomes significantly easier underwater..." - said TikTok user.

The Shower Orange Challenge: Why should you give it a shot?

Bathing with exotic fruits like oranges provides a unique sensory and cognitive stimulation. The juicy fruits can invigorate and energize you.

TikTok users joyfully recount their experiences with these unique baths. "A hot shower intensifies the taste and aroma of the fruit. Besides, the citrus scent has a relaxing effect. It's a profoundly immersive experience," says one commenter.

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