Tips&TricksTikToker's innovative trick to show guests when to leave

TikToker's innovative trick to show guests when to leave

Celebrating special occasions with family or friends often runs late into the night, but some guests are clueless about when to depart. Some enjoy the environment so much they extend their stay. Others, wanting to avoid upsetting the host, tolerate the situation even when they are ready to leave. Then there is the last group: the ones who have a different perspective on time. For some, 9 PM might be the start of their day, while for others, it's bedtime. How to address this problem? An American woman might just have the answer!

How to get rid of guests?
How to get rid of guests?
Images source: © Getty Images | Lajst

Dismissing Guests the American Way

"I love throwing parties, but I also like to go to bed early" said Melissa, when her husband asked about the sign she'd hung in their living room. Melissa erected a red garland that reads: "PLEASE, LEAVE BY 9 PM". Melissa's husband, Ryan, wasn't too amused by his wife's candid approach about how long the guests should stay.

We believe it's an ingenious solution. The sign is eye-catching and impossible to miss. Party-goers ought to respect the host's request and leave by the specified time. Her request isn’t meant to offend anyone, but to mitigate awkward situations where one needs to ask guests to leave. It's worth noting that Melissa and Ryan are not teenagers anymore, so partying all night isn't as fun for them as it used to be.

Viewers' Reactions

The video sparked a lot of discussions and received almost six thousand comments. Viewers weighed in with their thoughts on the direct sign. One comment that earned about 24 thousand likes said, "Remove the word 'please,' it'll be more direct and everyone will leave earlier. Also, consider removing the time." In this scenario, the sign would simply read "LEAVE".

Many viewers expressed their liking for the idea, but others were sure their guests would mock the request and stay until dawn. Someone suggested guests could stay longer, provided that they helped with the cleanup afterward. Some hinted that seeing such a sign, they would reconsider accepting a party invitation from the host next time. What are your thoughts on this?

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