LifestyleThrow yeast and sugar into the toilet. Effect is incredible

Throw yeast and sugar into the toilet. Effect is incredible

While yeast and sugar are typically connected with pastries and sweet treats, they have surprising applications too. My neighbor disclosed to me that she utilizes them for some innovative bathroom cleaning chores.

Cleaning yeast - Delicacies
Cleaning yeast - Delicacies
Images source: © Canva

Our local stores are stocked with a plethora of colorful, chemically-based cleaning products for every conceivable purpose. However, the most effective cleansers might be waiting in your pantry. There's no need to rely solely on harsh chemical cleaners to maintain a sparkling home.

Many of us are familiar with the remarkable cleaning capabilities of vinegar and baking soda. But my neighbor revealed something entirely unexpected. For an efficient toilet cleanse, she resorts to a mix of yeast and sugar. This might sound peculiar at first, but the trick genuinely works.

How to use yeast for bathroom cleaning?

As per my neighbor's instructions, you need around 3.5 ounces of fresh yeast and a teaspoon of sugar to clean a toilet. Before retiring for the night, toss the crumbled yeast and the sugar into the toilet bowl. The following day, scrub with a toilet brush and flush away. This yeast-sugar combo removes stubborn deposits and neutralizes unpleasant odors, with the sugar activating the yeast.

Cleaning the toilet - Delicacies
Cleaning the toilet - Delicacies© Canva

Dried yeast is also suitable for this task but needs to be dissolved in boiling water before use. This trick might seem strange, but be assured that it is genuinely effective. However, it is not a replacement for proper disinfection. Consider using it interchangeably with traditional toilet cleaning products, or as a replacement for a toilet rim block. By using yeast, you avoid exposure to the detrimental effects of harsh cleansers, moreover, flushing them doesn't harm the aquatic ecosystem.

Vinegar Also Comes in Handy

Another trick to removing deposits involves a potent combination of baking soda and lemon. Mix the powder with citrus juice, and apply it to areas prone to limescale deposits, such as around the shower head or faucet. Let the mixture sit for at least 30 minutes, though in some cases, it may need up to three hours.

You can replace the lemon with a blend of baking soda, citric acid, and water in a ratio of 3:2:1. The thicker the paste, the better it clings to surfaces, enhancing its cleaning efficiency when used on toilet bowls or sinks. Home-made cleaning methods not only simplify bathroom cleaning, but they're also incredibly cost-effective.

Paste made from baking soda - Delight
Paste made from baking soda - Delight© Canva

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