NewsThousands blockade Tel Aviv streets, demand urgent negotiation with Hamas for hostage release

Thousands blockade Tel Aviv streets, demand urgent negotiation with Hamas for hostage release

Thousands blockade Tel Aviv streets, demand urgent negotiation with Hamas for hostage release
Images source: © GETTY | Anadolu

2:53 AM EST, January 25, 2024

"Yedioth Ahronoth" states that approximately 5000 protestors, including families of the hostages, disrupted traffic in both directions on the Ayalon freeway in Tel Aviv and the nearby Kaplan Street.

The protestors displayed pictures of the hostages and banners with pressing slogans such as: "Negotiate now", "Ceasefire", "Bring the hostages back", as well as "There isn't a military solution for a political problem".

The Turkish news agency, Anadolu Agency, has recently highlighted heightened social pressure and criticism towards Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government. Israelis are intensifying their demand for a deal to free about 137 hostages, who Hamas fighters in the Gaza Strip still hold Israel claims.

The Israeli newspaper "Israel Hayom" disclosed on Wednesday that Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich could not assure the families of the hostages about the safe return of all the captives. Two days prior, Netanyahu announced that Israel had proposed a deal to Hamas. The Palestinian organization has yet to respond to the proposal from Tel Aviv.

Egypt, Qatar, and the United States are working towards negotiating an agreement between Hamas and Israel. They aim to bring about another ceasefire and arrange the release of the hostages.

Source: "Yedioth Ahronoth", Anadolu Agency

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