This inconspicuous picture reveals whether you are truly a happy person
Do you see this picture? Okay, but what do you really see in it? According to the author of this puzzle, what you saw first can somewhat define not only your level of happiness but also your creativity. We are very curious about how you did on this test!
Psychology is a field of science that is developing at an astonishing pace. What not too long ago used to be trivialized, today turns out to be one of the most important scientific priorities. But the human psyche is not only serious issues in the category of "how to treat it", but also pleasure, creativity, and in the end, what is most important — happiness.
Ink blot
Surely you're familiar — if not from personal experience, then from books or movies — with the scene where an experienced psychologist shows the patient a piece of paper with a blot of ink spilled. Depending on what the examined "found" in the irregular shape of the blot, the doctor drew conclusions and made progress in diagnosis and therapy.
Some psychiatrists do not have a high opinion of this kind of research. According to them, psychoanalysis conducted based on spilled ink has nothing to do with reality, it is a pseudo-experience that can harm the patient. However, this does not change the fact that these types of tests are still performed to this day, and only the doctors determine the importance they will give to this experience. It's a bit like a polygraph test, which can't be accepted as evidence in court, but serves as a hint for investigators.
What do you see in the picture?
Some time ago on the TikTok portal (more specifically on the "brightside.official" profile), an image appeared that is supposed to help define what kind of people we are. Of course, as with all such "tests", this is only entertainment or a small tip. However, this does not change the fact that it can pique interest.
So: what do you see in the picture demonstrated by "Brightside"? Or to put it another way: what did you notice first? If it was the apple core, then... good! The authors of the test explain that this implies you feel happiness, self-confidence, and find support in your loved ones.
If as the first thing you saw are the shapes of two people, this means that first and foremost relationships with other people are a priority for you in life, and second — that you feel a certain kind of uncertainty and doubt in this matter.
Maybe you saw the apple core and people almost at the same time? This is supposedly a testament to great creativity and imagination. Well done!