The United States veto Algerian ceasefire call at the United Nations committee
Huge PR controversies are rising over the United States veto to call for a ceasefire in Gaza in an Israeli and Hamas conflict. Is it going to backlash? China is already using the situation.
The situation in the Gaza Strip is unbelievably gruesome. The humanitarian crisis has reached a state which was not reached in recent history. The community of Palestinians suffers from the lack of basic resources like water, food, and medicaments. The infectious diseases are spreading.
The United Nations is working on a draft of a call for a ceasefire in Gaza. The third draft was vetoed by the United States.
The situation is not so clear as it may seem
The draft was prepared by Algeria, which is suspectable and the United States suggest that in fact this desing of a resolution is going to sabbotage ceasefire instead of helping to achieve it. The United States demand that in the draft the call for the realease of hostages has to be included. The Algerian draft is lacking this crucial part.
China has instantly turned into attack mode using this very vulnerable point of the debate. Their UN representatives have strongly condemned the U.S. veto. China's UN ambassador Zhang Jun (we quote after BBC):
Algeria’s UN ambassador, Amar Bendjama who stands behind the draft of the resolution, has also been playing in the China game, we quote after The Irish Times:
The United Nations debates are an ongoing place of PR struggles between the Western allies and the Eastern block. It is sometimes really hard to evaluate the actions as the diplomatic war is brutal and cynical.
The Palestinians are instrumentally used by both sides of the conflict. It is crucial to remember that they are paying the biggest price and their suffering is still ongoing.
Sources: BBC News; The Irish Times