The trick to stop pet fur from ruining your washing machine
Having pets undoubtedly brings a lot of joy and benefits. However, it is not without certain inconveniences. One of the minor but quite troublesome issues is the omnipresent fur of our pets, which can accumulate everywhere—from carpets and sofas to vacuum cleaners and washing machines.
While the vacuum cleaner is relatively easy to clean, the washing machine is much more complicated. Pet fur that gets into the washing machine can clog the filter, leading to severe problems with the device's operation.
Animals such as dogs and cats shed fur, especially in the spring and summer when their coats adapt to changing weather conditions. Whether your pet has long or short fur or even hair, shedding is inevitable. To minimize the amount of fur in the house, thorough vacuuming and cleaning clothes with a lint roller are essential. Nevertheless, sometimes, the washing machine gets clogged due to excess fur.
Get rid of fur and enjoy clean laundry. Brilliant trick
A clogged washing machine is a big hassle. Fur collects in the washing machine filter, and if left uncleaned, it can cause water to stagnate in the device, leading to unpleasant odors emanating from it. What's worse, this odor can transfer to the washed clothes. In extreme cases, an uncleaned filter can stop the washing machine from working.
However, there is a brilliant trick for clean laundry that costs nothing. Just throw a thin plastic shopping bag into the drum. Hair and fur will settle on this bag, so they won't be visible on the clothes. Additionally, the detergent will settle on the plastic, allowing it to dissolve better, and well-dissolved detergent means no white spots on the clothes.
How to do it: Throw a small plastic bag into the empty drum and then put it in the dirty laundry. However, remember that plastic softens at temperatures between 140 and 160 degrees Fahrenheit, so use this trick only when you want to wash the laundry at 86 or 104 degrees Fahrenheit.