TechThe surprising purpose of those black dots on car windows

The surprising purpose of those black dots on car windows

Not everyone may have noticed the surprising feature on car windows: the black dots. These small, dark markings are not just dirt or decorations. So, what exactly are these black dots on car windows?

What are the black dots on a car window for?
What are the black dots on a car window for?
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You might be curious about these elements, which you'll find on every newer vehicle model, whereas older cars often lack them. The black dots on car windows aren't a fashion statement; they're much more functional and something worth knowing about.

Black dots on car windows - what are they?

The term "frit" might be unfamiliar, but these small spots play a significant role in every car. The dots appear not only on windows but also on mirrors. Without them, we wouldn't get far, as they help protect against glare, which could complicate driving. On mirrors, they divide visibility into spherical and aspherical sectors.

The aspherical area expands the field of view, preventing dangerous blind spots. Although not all drivers are aware of its usefulness, it's definitely an effective tool worth utilizing. Conversely, the spherical area operates in the opposite way and was predominant in older car models. Additionally, the number of black dots provides information about the window's production date and reveals the year of production through embedded numbers, which helps verify the authenticity of the windows.

What function do black dots on windows serve?

Black dots are created during the window manufacturing process through a special screen-printing technique. They firmly adhere to the glass, ensuring durability and resistance. This process is crucial because it aids in attaching windows with frit, ensuring the structure's durability, which protects the car interior from excessive heating due to atmospheric conditions.

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