Tips&TricksThe 'palm trick' could save your washing machine and reduce your bills

The 'palm trick' could save your washing machine and reduce your bills

While laundry might seem as simple as filling your washing machine with dirty clothes, supplementing it with your choice of detergent, and allowing the machine to perform its function, experts have introduced a rather straightforward and helpful method known as the "palm trick". This improves wash efficiency. Overloading the drum with too many items without leaving ample space hampers the washing machine's effectiveness in cleaning your items.

Palm trick Photo. Freepik / Brilliant
Palm trick Photo. Freepik / Brilliant

In addition, overloading poses a risk of damaging the machine itself, significantly reducing its efficiency in both energy consumption and performance. Whether you've recently acquired one of the best washing machines or have been using the same one for years, the ultimate goal is to optimize your machine’s performance.

However, in these challenging times, soaring electricity bills can be hair-raising. It's understandable why one would succumb to the lure of stuffing the drum to its maximum. Conversely, placing fewer items feels like a waste of precious resources. So, how does one determine the thin line between overloading and properly loading a washing machine?

"Palm Trick Photo. Freepik"
"Palm Trick Photo. Freepik"

The Palm Trick - Your Guide to Perfectly Loading your Washing Machine without Overloading it

Experts from various washing machine manufacturing companies agree that it's easy to check whether we've loaded our washing machine to its optimal capacity without overloading it. This simple but effective method is called the "palm trick."

So, what do you need to do? The answer is simple: insert your hand into the drum. You've achieved the ideal load size if you can place your hand between the clothes and the drum wall. If this isn’t the case, you're advised to remove some items. However, if there's more space available, you can add more clothes, leading to greater water efficiency.

This technique allows you to fill the drum to approximately 80% of its volume without cramming items in. This is the ideal level for the most efficient wash with a substantial load. Too many items can disrupt the machine's equilibrium, affecting its operational longevity. Furthermore, it's advised to insert items individually while loading your washing machine or at least ensure they're not bundled together.

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