NewsThe operation "Iron Swords" has begun. This is how Israel is eliminating Hamas

The operation "Iron Swords" has begun. This is how Israel is eliminating Hamas

Israel is attacking Hamas from the air. There is a recording.
Israel is attacking Hamas from the air. There is a recording.
Images source: © Twitter | Hananya Naftali

10:24 AM EDT, October 8, 2023

Another round of conflict between Hamas and Israel is underway. The Palestinian group attacked Israeli cities on Saturday morning. In response, the Gaza Strip is being bombed. Hamas fighters do not have access to resources like their opponent, so they appear to stand no chance against a regular army in the long run. A new video showing how Israel is dealing with Hamas fighters went viral.

Hamas, launching its assault on Saturday (October 7) at dawn, acted on a large scale and with extreme brutality. In addition to the rocket attack on Israeli cities, which was supposed to be hit by several thousand missiles, the terrorists carried out an operation involving the killing and kidnapping of civilians in the southern cities of the country. The operation initiated by the Palestinians is codenamed "Al Aqsa Flood".

There are plenty of social media recordings showing the relentless attitude of Hamas militants. You can see them kidnapping defenseless people - children, women, the elderly - with Kalashnikovs in their hands. Israeli soldiers can't count on any mercy. There are circulating online recordings showing soldiers being dragged out of tanks, beaten, and humiliated.

Palestinians have kidnapped many hostages and took them to the Gaza Strip. They will certainly want to negotiate the release of terrorists held in Israeli prisons in exchange for their release.

As reported on Sunday morning, 26 Israeli soldiers were killed as a result of a Hamas attack. In total, 300 people died, and another 1500 were injured. There were also losses on the Hamas side as a result of the retaliatory action. In the Gaza Strip, 256 people were killed, and 1800 were injured.

Israel eliminates Hamas fighters. See the recording

Hamas fighters have invaded Israel in three ways. First - by land. There are recordings available online, showing them breaking through barbed wire along the Gaza Strip border. The terrorists were using tractors to destroy them. Other fighters got into southern Israel with the help of paragliders. There were also those who got through by sea.

The Israeli Armed Forces, initially completely surprised by the attack and its scale, are slowly beginning to take control of the southern regions of the country. The army has begun evacuating local residents. Palestinian militants, who tried to breach the border or return to the Gaza Strip, encountered retaliation from Israeli forces.

On social media, there are drone-made recordings showing the elimination of units that have crossed the border. In one of them, you can see small groups of terrorists. A moment later, you can see the explosion of a missile fired by the military.

The Israelis are also shooting at vehicles near the border heading in their direction.

It is worth remembering here that the Israeli army is decidedly better armed. According to this year's Global Firepower ranking, Israel ranks 18th in the world in the lineup of the best armies. For comparison, Poland is in 20th place. Hamas is not able to wage regular war with Israel, which is why they resort to such acts of terror. In the long run, they have no chance with the Israeli army, which the above recordings best prove.

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