NewsThe King of Jordan calls for peace and warns Macron

The King of Jordan calls for peace and warns Macron

Macron visits Amman
Macron visits Amman
ed. TWA

6:02 AM EDT, October 26, 2023

King of Jordan Abdulah II appealed for an immediate cessation of the war in Israel and the Gaza Strip. The country's ruler also warned President Emmanuel Macron of the risk of an explosion in the region.

Abdullah II called on Macron and the international community to take action to stop the war in Gaza during a meeting with the President of France in Amman.

The President of France will also meet with the President of Egypt, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi in Cairo on Wednesday.

Egypt is a significant mediator between the Palestinians and the Israelis and participates in negotiations regarding the release of over 200 hostages kidnapped in Israel by Hamas. It also controls the only crossing in the Gaza Strip that is not controlled by Israel.

Sissi announced on Wednesday that his country would do "everything possible" to de-escalate and broker a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, while "simultaneously supporting the civilian population in Gaza".

Difficult fuel situation in Gaza

When the fuel runs out in the Gaza Strip, Hamas will have to come out of the tunnels or suffocate - wrote the Israeli portal Walla, citing a source in the intelligence services. - That's what Hamas is afraid of. That's why they are not interested in food or water supplies, only fuel - the source emphasized.

Most members of Hamas, its leaders, and fighters are in deep tunnels stretching under the Gaza Strip. Electricity is essential for them to "pump air underground, operate communication systems, and activate rocket launchers" - the portal claims.

- Without electricity and fuel for generators, they can't hide in tunnels. Every passing day increases their anxiety. That's why Hamas is under great pressure - an informant had relayed to the portal.

On Wednesday, the UN agency exclusively dealing with Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, announced that without "immediate fuel supplies" they will be forced to drastically limit their humanitarian operations as trucks will not be able to transport medicine or food - reported by the AP agency.

Israel's Defense Forces spokesperson Daniel Hagari, responding the previous day to allegations regarding the blocking of fuel supplies to the Gaza Strip, informed journalists that Hamas had taken over and stored for its own needs about 132,086 gallons of generator fuel.

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