News"The hottest grandma in the world" has thousands of fans. They can't believe her age

"The hottest grandma in the world" has thousands of fans. They can't believe her age

Gina Stewart is a 53-year-old grandmother.
Gina Stewart is a 53-year-old grandmother.
Images source: © Instagram

5:43 AM EDT, October 4, 2023, updated: 8:58 AM EDT, October 5, 2023

A 53-year-old resident of Australia is not only a model, but also a social media star. However, her greatest popularity came from being hailed by tabloids as the "hottest grandma in the world" – much to her delight. Recently, she talked about her beauty rituals.

Looking at her photos, it's hard to believe that she recently turned 53. Gina Stewart is a "Playboy" model, a mother of four, and for six years now, she can also call herself a grandmother. 

The Australian woman does not hide that she has a granddaughter. She also openly admits to using aesthetic medicine procedures. Despite this, she achieved beautiful skin not by means of a scalpel, but thanks to a few simple rules. 

"Beauty secrets of the hottest grandmother in the world"

Her face looks like that of a 20-year-old. However, Gina Stewart doesn't use expensive anti-wrinkle creams. Importantly, her advice can be applied by any of us. As we read on the portal, the 53-year-old revealed that her secret is hydrating the body.

I only drink filtered water from BPA-free bottles. Occasionally I enjoy camomile or green tea because of their antioxidants - she confessed.
Gina Stewart is the "hottest grandmother" in the world.
Gina Stewart is the "hottest grandmother" in the world.© | ginastewartofficial

Hydration from the inside is not everything. Another tip for maintaining a beautiful and youthful appearance is also very simple. Unfortunately, not everyone will find it pleasant. 

Gina takes cold showers every day, which firm and refresh her skin. After the icy bath, she rubs a thick layer of organic coconut oil into her body. 

Since the age of nineteen, I've been taking care of good skin hydration to maintain its youthful appearance - added the 53-year-old.

Protects the face from the sun

Every day before leaving the house, Gina applies a high-SPF cream to her face, which protects her skin from harmful sun rays. In addition, she uses red light therapy three times a week, which stimulates collagen production and reduces wrinkles. 

The 53-year-old takes very good care of her body. She regularly uses a sauna and a few times a month, she undergoes cryotherapy. She tries to maintain a constant weight, which helps her face and body structure stay largely unchanged. In addition, every few months she has tests done and if the results indicate deficiencies, she balances them with diet and supplementation.

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