NewsThe Czech woman let herself be persuaded. The elderly woman regretted the erotic video

The Czech woman let herself be persuaded. The elderly woman regretted the erotic video

Chat screenshots
Chat screenshots
Images source: © Czech Police
ed. MUP

7:04 PM EDT, October 20, 2023

For an older woman from Ostrava, exchanging messages with a man she met online was initially a pleasant experience, but it turned into a real horror. After much persuasion, the scammer tricked her into providing an erotic recording. He then exploited it, threatening to expose the material to her family if she did not provide him with money.

The exact age of the woman was not disclosed. Police spokesperson Eva Michalíková only revealed that the victim is over 60 years old.

The woman met her virtual acquaintance through the TikTok app. This man, allegedly from Germany and using the pseudonym "Joe Gerhard", initiated contact with her and soon they moved the conversation to Google chat. In the initial period, they only talked about life, but over time their contact became more ambiguous.

According to investigators, feelings of loneliness played a major role in convincing the woman to trust the swindler. The man also exploited her compassion, claiming that he was struggling with a serious illness.

The first suspicions began to arise when she received a picture of a part of his body from her virtual suitor. Then, she asked for a full picture of his silhouette.

According to the spokeswoman, the man granted her request and sent her the portrait of a handsome middle-aged man. Then the fraudster began demanding the woman send him nude photos, to which she firmly refused. Regardless, he did not back down. Over the next few days, he continued to compliment the woman until she finally gave in. Initially, the senior woman was only sending him photos of "only" intimate areas, stated Michalíková.

- However, this did not satisfy the alleged admirer. He asked her to record a video and capture her face in it. In the end, the woman recorded herself, including intimate parts in it - she added.

The man began to blackmail the elderly woman

The crucial moment came the next day, their previous communication suddenly took a completely different form. Suddenly, the man called the woman with information that he was in the hospital with a severe illness. He also sent a picture to confirm, however, the woman considered it a photomontage, and the whole story a manipulation.

Unfortunately, it was already too late, as the scammer already had a compromising video. During their conversation, the man suddenly changed his tone and demanded $500 from the woman. He threatened that if she did not make the payment, he would send the video and photos to her family and publish them on social media. The victim finally decided to report the entire incident to the police.

Extortion using incriminating videos is becoming increasingly common.

- It's important to remember that by sharing intimate materials, you expose yourself to the risk of blackmail. Therefore, do not send such content to anyone and try to protect your privacy. If someone tries to force you to hand over money, you should never do it. Scammers will gradually increase their demands, so you should immediately contact the police - emphasized Michalíková.