LifestyleThe best vegetable. One mistake makes it loses almost all its value

The best vegetable. One mistake makes it loses almost all its value

Broccoli is valued not only for its taste or beautiful, intense color. Above all, it is a source of powerful compounds that can have a beneficial effect on the body. Scientific magazines around the world write about the properties of broccoli. Unfortunately, due to a simple mistake, it is easy to deprive these vegetables of everything that is most precious.

How should one prepare broccoli?
How should one prepare broccoli?
Images source: © Adobe Stock

Broccoli rightfully earned its place on the list of the healthiest in the world. It is impossible to fully list all the health benefits of this vegetable, but special attention should be paid to the sulforaphane - a natural compound protecting against cancerous changes. Unfortunately, instead of taking advantage of the benefits of broccoli and the powerful substances in it, we toss away everything that's good with the flick of a hand.

"Broccoli - the healthiest vegetable in the world"

Broccoli is often referred to as the healthiest vegetable in the world. Why? First and foremost, they stand out for their high content of biologically active compounds. What's more, they are classified as plants with anti-cancer potential. Broccoli is rich in sulforaphane - a powerful antioxidant that facilitates the elimination of already existing cancer cells.

Additionally, broccoli is a source of vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, folic acid, calcium, iron, and other nutrients. The fiber contained in it helps regulate digestion and provides a feeling of fullness. A diet rich in broccoli can lower the risk of atherosclerosis, and because it has anti-inflammatory properties, it is helpful in cases of bone inflammation and gout. Moreover, consuming broccoli has a positive effect on the skeletal system, strengthens the circulatory system, supports the functioning of the visual organ, and thanks to its high iron content, it is even desirable in the diet of people struggling with anemia.

How to prepare broccoli without losing precious substances?
How to prepare broccoli without losing precious substances?© Pixabay

How to prepare broccoli so it doesn't lose valuable properties?

To enjoy the precious properties of broccoli, it is best to eat it raw or steamed (for about 3-4 minutes). They should not be boiled in water. Boiling is considered the most detrimental method of thermal processing this vegetable, as it changes its nutritional composition. During boiling, broccoli lose vitamins soluble in water, including vitamin C and folic acid, as well as chlorophyll (a pigment found in green vegetables, supporting the immune system and regenerating the body) and protein.

Scientists from the School of Biological and Chemical Engineering at Zhejiang University and Technology have shown that there is a method of preparing broccoli that allows for the release of myrosinase, an enzyme activating the previously mentioned sulforaphane. The results, which were published in the journal "Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry", indicate that broccoli should be chopped or minced before cooking, and then set aside for about 90 minutes. Only after this time can you throw them into the pan or pot without fear of losing the valuable compound.

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