NewsTension rises between Tokayev and Lukashenko over misinterpretation

Tension rises between Tokayev and Lukashenko over misinterpretation

President of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev
President of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev
Images source: © Getty Images | 2019 Anadolu Agency
ed. TWA

6:06 AM EST, November 26, 2023

The President of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, had a few choice words for a statement made by the Belarusian leader. "Threats have always existed. That's the essence of the international community," said Tokayev at the CSTO meeting in Minsk.

Reportedly, Tokayev made this statement among a small group of leaders during the CSTO summit in Minsk, on Thursday. The Belsat agency first reported the incident.

"Tactics and strategies of the CSTO must take into account the threats and challenges of modern reality. However, in my view, there's no need to continually discuss threats to the security of CSTO member states, even if they exist. Threats have always been a part of the international community," said Kassym-Jomart Tokayev before the assembly.

He added, "Statements such as these can - and it appears they do - receive a completely incorrect interpretation."

Lukashenko's fiery response

It's believed that these words, not directly addressed to him, were in reference to the statements of Alexander Lukashenko. Lukashenko, in his speech, talked about the "belligerent rhetoric of certain politicians" and a "loss of trust". "International law works only for select parties. Against a backdrop of unwelcome, belligerent rhetoric from some politicians and a complete breakdown of mutual trust, there seems to be a deliberate attempt to ignite a new arms race. The flame of regional conflicts, even those involving the use of advanced weapon systems, can spread to other countries at any time," responded the Belarusian leader, as quoted by "Belsat".

In addition, a representative from Armenia, who officially boycotted the event, did not attend the summit.

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