LifestyleSwedish influencer sparks debate with 'soft girl' lifestyle choice

Swedish influencer sparks debate with 'soft girl' lifestyle choice

Swedish influencer Vilma Larson revealed in an interview that she quit her job to focus on her well-being. The 25-year-old has joined the ranks of "soft girls," which, according to the BBC, are increasing in number in Scandinavian countries. What does it mean to be a "full-time" girl?

Vilma is a "soft girl"
Vilma is a "soft girl"
Images source: © Instagram

In Scandinavian countries, there's talk of a new trend. In Sweden, it's known as "emmaflickvän" or "hemmafru." What do these words mean? They can be translated as "girl who stays at home" or simply "housewife." In English, this term is "soft girl." Some women are leaving their careers to focus on happiness and life, supported by their partner.

One Swedish study, mentioned by the BBC, showed that "soft girls" might be growing in number. In fact, 14% of girls aged 7-14 admitted to identifying with the principles of this group. The study's authors claim that focusing on well-being is a reaction to what their parents have emphasized in recent years: the pursuit of money and career advancement.

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According to the BBC, "soft girls" do not wish to pursue careers, money, and the associated stressful lifestyles. They prioritize their well-being and happiness. One such woman is Swedish Vilma Larson, who calls herself a "full-time girl". Before deciding to quit work and focus on home life, she worked in a grocery store, a nursing home, and a factory.

"My life is softer. I am not struggling. I am not very stressed. Every month he gives me a salary from his money that he made. But if I need more, I'll ask him. Or if I need less, I don't - I just save the rest," she revealed in an interview with the BBC.

Vilma's partner works remotely in finance. While he dedicates himself to work duties, the 25-year-old cooks, visits the gym, or goes to a café. The couple spends their time traveling, even wintering in Cyprus.

Vilma shares her observations on social media. Her lifestyle evokes strong reactions among internet users. Some accuse her of lacking ambition and succumbing to economic dependence, while others praise her resourcefulness.

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