Tips&TricksSurviving spring: How to use cucumber peels and spices to naturally repel ants

Surviving spring: How to use cucumber peels and spices to naturally repel ants

Interestingly, cucumber peels can effectively deter ants. It is common for these unwanted guests to invade homes during spring. Typically, we resort to chemical solutions to dissuade them. However, cucumber peels present a healthier and more beneficial alternative.

Surviving spring: How to use cucumber peels and spices to naturally repel ants

How to get rid of ants naturally?

Rub the peels on all thresholds and doorframes. Additionally, scatter the peels where ants congregate the most. Remember to replace the peels regularly because they decay relatively quickly. Cucumber peels contain substances that irk ants, and overpower their sense of smell. Consequently, these insects promptly exit environments that are disfavorable to them and leave your home.

use of cucumber peel, photo. Unsplash
use of cucumber peel, photo. Unsplash

Leveraging cinnamon to deter ants

An additional natural deterrent for ants is cinnamon. Spread this spice along the ants' trail. Ants dislike the scent of cinnamon and will swiftly relocate elsewhere.

Eco-friendly ant repellent

Another useful tip is to create a homemade repellent. It is already established that ants are sensitive to certain scents they cannot withstand. Ordinary vinegar is among these. Dilute equal parts of vinegar and water, then pour a small amount on a rag and wipe the kitchen countertops and other ant-infested areas. After such remediation, ants will leave your home quickly.

"application of cucumber peel, photo. Unsplash"
"application of cucumber peel, photo. Unsplash"

Furthermore, these insects also detest the scents of thyme, mint, rosemary, and marjoram. Hence, growing these herbs in pots and placing them on the kitchen countertop can be beneficial.

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