LifestyleSuperstitious wedding traditions: Do they spell bliss or misfortune?

Superstitious wedding traditions: Do they spell bliss or misfortune?

How well do you know wedding superstitions?
How well do you know wedding superstitions?
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7:02 PM EDT, May 23, 2024

A wedding is a critical moment in the lives of people in love. Some brides and grooms take into account superstitions during preparations, which are believed to bring the newlyweds happiness or bad luck. What are these assumptions?

Some say that they can be dismissed as fairy tales. Others claim not to believe in them but prefer not to tempt fate, following superstitions during important life moments.

Do you know superstitions related to weddings? It turns out there are quite a few...

Wedding superstitious - Do you know them all?

When the important day arrives, the weather will foretell the newlyweds’ future years together. Sunny weather signifies prosperity, rain is a sign of numerous offspring, and a storm is a harbinger of quarrels and misunderstandings. A rainbow is an excellent omen.

Let's now pay attention to the bride's attire. It is said that the future wife should wear something borrowed and something blue on her wedding day to ensure a beautiful life with her new husband. Additionally, placing a penny in her shoe is believed to provide abundance. Of course, on the wedding day, no one but the bride can wear white. The color is reserved exclusively for the woman who is getting married.

Interestingly, superstitions also say a lot about the veil. The future wife’s headpiece should be put on by an unmarried bridesmaid. The bride is advised not to look back to adjust the veil, which is said to bring bad luck. Care must also be taken to ensure the veil does not fall off, which foretells further misfortunes.

What not to do at the wedding? Here are the superstitions

Many traditional wedding rituals should be observed after saying "yes" to each other and before the reception begins. Here, too, caution is necessary. The groom should carry his wife over the threshold into the reception hall. Then, it's time for the toast. It is not a good omen if the glasses thrown to the ground do not break. The witness should immediately crush them to avoid risking the couple's happiness.

Carrying over the threshold is also important right after the wedding. The man carries his wife over the threshold of the home to ensure only good things for the following years and to protect his beloved from evil spirits.