Super- Tuesday, 15 states head to vote to shape Elections
8:25 AM EST, March 5, 2024
Super Tuesday spotlight: Nikki Haley faces critical tests as delegate-rich California and Texas tilt towards Donald Trump.
Approximately 36% of the Republican delegates will be chosen today; as Trump leads the majority of the polls, Haley still stands in the race.
Will Nikki Haley drop after today?
Former UN ambassador under the Trump administration just had her first victory in the District of Colombia on Sunday, and polls show few more to claim in today's voting. Still, surely it won't be enough to claim the spot. After the results will be known, mathematics will not bring her out of the race for the place, but logics will.
In the days leading up to the Super Tuesday contests, Ms. Haley received pivotal endorsements from moderate Republican senators Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska. The Minnesota open primary on Tuesday allows Democrats to vote for Ms. Haley. Meanwhile, polls in Virginia indicate that she is narrowing the gap with Mr. Trump.
However, the lion's share of delegates from the day's contests, notably the 169 delegates from California and 161 from Texas, are expected to bolster the former president's position. Super Tuesday is a critical juncture for Ms. Haley's campaign, with her supporters keenly watching to assess her viability. Although the allocation of more than a third of all delegates on this day won't be enough to designate Mr. Trump as the inevitable nominee, it will likely strengthen his lead significantly.
Tomorrow, Haley will be in the spotlight for her decision. While She stated she would not try a third-party run, commentators are unsure, seeing the No Labels center group still believing in putting her on the ballot under their name.