FoodSugar snap peas season: Taste summer with health benefits galore

Sugar snap peas season: Taste summer with health benefits galore

The sugar snap pea season will start soon.
The sugar snap pea season will start soon.
Images source: © Adobe Stock

1:49 PM EDT, May 11, 2024

Juicy, crispy, and sweet sugar snap peas are about to make their seasonal debut in markets and stands. These delightful veggies are a versatile addition to various dishes and exceptionally tasty when eaten raw, pod, and all. However, one must not mix them entirely with a different vegetable.

As June gives way to July, the eagerly anticipated sweet sugar snap peas are set to arrive. Their appeal lies not just in their taste and vibrant color but also in their numerous health benefits. A common mistake, however, is to think of sugar snap peas as identical to green peas, which they are not.

Sugar Snap Peas vs. Green Peas: What's the Difference?

While they may look similar, sugar snap peas and green peas are distinct. Green peas are the immature seeds of leguminous field peas, while sugar snap peas are young, edible pod peas within the same family.

Green peas are harvested when young and green, turning into mature, dried peas when fully grown. Sugar snap peas, on the other hand, can be enjoyed whole. With green peas, we consume only the seeds, discarding the pod. Sugar snap peas’ pods are edible, thanks to their lack of a tough parchment-like lining. In terms of taste, green peas can be rather bland, but sugar snap peas offer a sweet and enjoyable flavor, albeit with fewer calories.

Add sugar snap peas to salads and sandwiches alongside lunch and soups for a touch of summer. They’re also great when cooked or sautéed. Many relish the taste of summer in the form of pods lightly sautéed in butter and served with breadcrumbs.

The Health Benefits of Sugar Snap Peas

Thanks to their potassium content, sugar snap peas benefit heart health and blood pressure management. They are also a rich source of vitamin C and several B vitamins—including B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and B9—crucial for the nervous system. Vitamins A and E support healthy skin and hair, contributing to overall beauty.

Sugar peas do not have a parchment lining inside the pod.
Sugar peas do not have a parchment lining inside the pod.© Canva | homydesign

Rich in lutein, sugar snap peas also promote good vision. Their high protein and complex carbohydrate content helps stabilize blood sugar levels for extended periods.

These peas are packed with essential minerals like magnesium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, and zinc, which are vital for our body's optimal performance. High in fiber, they aid the digestive system, improve circulation, and can lower harmful cholesterol levels (LDL).

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