LifestyleStruggling with insomnia? UK research suggests adopting a cat might be the cure

Struggling with insomnia? UK research suggests adopting a cat might be the cure

Scientists confirm that this method for insomnia really works.
Scientists confirm that this method for insomnia really works.
Images source: © Adobe Stock

1:13 AM EST, January 19, 2024

Insomnia can lead to a slew of issues. Without the proper amount of sleep, our bodies succumb more readily to fatigue, stress, and anxiety. UK-based research has shed light on a surprising strategy that may help us in such situations.

Struggling to sleep? Try adopting a cat

Mayo Clinic Center for Sleep Medicine's experts analyzed the data and drew interesting conclusions. It appears that 41 percent of the participants reported significant improvements in sleep when their four-legged companion was with them. Contrarily, only 20 percent responded that having a cat in bed disrupts sleep.

But improved sleep isn't the only benefit of having a feline friend. Other studies suggest that pets have a far greater impact on us than we might imagine.

Household cat: A therapy animal

Do cats understand their owners' facial expressions? A study published in the journal "Animal Cognition" in 2015 confirms this. These four-legged companions can distinguish our emotions and even respond to them.

In 2011, Cats Protection, a charity organization in the UK, revealed startling results from their analysis. They found that spending time with feline pets, both kittens and adult cats, relaxes people—87 percent of cat owners stated that their overall well-being improved after bringing a cat home. What's more, 76 percent of the respondents found it easier to manage stress levels.

"Sitting with a relaxed, purring cat at the end of a stressful day is a soothing balm for the soul (...). Perhaps the frequency of the vibrations falls within a healing-stimulating range," said veterinarian Beth Skillings, as quoted on the website.

If you've been on the fence about adopting a cat, you have another reason to bring a feline friend into your home as soon as possible.