NewsStorm wreaks havoc across Europe: Lives lost and power disrupted

Storm wreaks havoc across Europe: Lives lost and power disrupted

Heavy rains are sweeping through Switzerland. There are no shortage of victims.
Heavy rains are sweeping through Switzerland. There are no shortage of victims.

3:31 PM EDT, June 30, 2024

Extreme weather conditions are disastrous. Storms with strong winds and heavy rain have not spared Switzerland. Due to landslides and flooding in the southern part of the country, two people have lost their lives. The search for a third victim continues by Swiss services.

Since Saturday (June 29), Swiss services have dealt with the effects of storms that have hit Europe. Roads are flooded, and local power plants struggle to supply electricity to homes and businesses.

According to the federal warning system Swissalert, part of the canton is also without drinking water, reports AFP, quoted by PAP.

Heavy rains have even led to landslides in the Fontana area of southern Switzerland. Unfortunately, two people did not survive the catastrophe. Services found their bodies on Sunday (June 30). The fate of the third person, who also went missing in the disaster, is currently unknown.

It is known that the search for the third person is being hindered by the weather conditions, which are still not safe. Residents have been asked to limit travel and avoid areas affected by the catastrophe.

Additionally, storms have caused landslides in Switzerland since Saturday afternoon. They are mostly seen in the Maggia Valley.

IMGW warns of dangerous storms

There could also be intense and dangerous weather phenomena on Sunday on the old Continent. IMGW warns that we can expect, among other things, hail, very strong winds, and heavy rain.

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