Staying safe in scorching heat: Tips to avoid tick bites
The scorching weather encourages forest walks, but it's essential to be cautious and protect yourself from ticks. How can you do that? You can learn how in just a few minutes.
Ticks can lurk in forests, city parks, near small green spaces, and even among thick shrubs—anywhere green and moist.
Before walking in such areas, it's wise to spray yourself with an appropriate repellent, which can be purchased at pharmacies and some stores. However, this is not a guaranteed way to protect yourself from unwanted insects. What else can you do?
Despite high temperatures, it's advisable to choose clothes that cover as much skin as possible to make it harder for ticks to access your body. Light-colored clothes are ideal because they allow you to spot the parasite on the fabric easily.
After returning home, taking a shower and shaking out your clothes is essential. Dr. Anna Wierzbicka from Poznań University of Life Sciences advises performing both tasks thoroughly.
You need to check yourself. Everywhere. Ticks don't bite immediately. They usually need a few hours to find the right spot. They can hide in seams or folds of pockets, according to the profile of the Regional Directorate of State Forests.
How to remove a tick
Even following all the precautions mentioned does not guarantee complete protection. So, what should you do if a tick has already settled on your skin? It's important not to panic, as not every insect carries diseases. What’s next?
Not all popular home remedies are effective. Instead of burning the area with the tick or trying to smear it with greasy fluids, it's better to approach the matter more concretely.
The tick should be pulled out quickly and precisely with minimal trauma to the area. If that's too late, visiting the doctor is best.