Spot the hidden face in this 19th-century illusion: Can you do it in under seven seconds?
Occasionally, when we view an image, a distinct shape immediately captures our attention. However, a closer examination often reveals something more. You can find numerous photos of this type on the internet, and some even come with a comment explaining the initial impression a viewer had after seeing the graphic.
This time, we showcase an image, which - as "The Sun" quotes from Getty Images - evolved from the 19th century. It is a collector's card designed for advertising that was part of a children's illusion series. The trading card features the caption: "St. Julian - Where is Hickok?"
Look at the picture. Besides the horse, there's a face
Along with a horse, the picture hides something else which, arguably, individuals with a high IQ could identify within seven seconds. Take a peek at the image and assess your observant capabilities.
So, where is Hickok?
If you didn't spot him immediately, don't worry. We have a modest clue for you. Pay acute attention to the horse's body. Another hint is that the aforementioned Hickok has a distinctively styled and long, flowing hair.
The final clue
If you still can't identify the face, we have one more clue. After which, you will undoubtedly discern the concealed image of a man. All you need to do is tilt your head to the right and inspect the picture again.
Well, did you find it? Now, you can certainly see that the horse's entire body forms Hickok's face, and the tail constitutes the man's hair. If you still can't pinpoint where he is, the section to focus on is highlighted in the picture below.