Tips&TricksSpot plumbing issues? Try this easy DIY unclogging method

Spot plumbing issues? Try this easy DIY unclogging method

In many Polish apartment blocks and older houses, the state of the sewage system leaves much to be desired. When the pipes in your apartment get clogged, you don't need to call a plumber immediately. Here is a simple method that will allow you to handle this problem on your own.

Home remedies can work wonders
Home remedies can work wonders
Images source: © Adobe Stock

An outdated sewage system can be a real nuisance, causing low water pressure, contamination, and problems with properly functioning appliances like washing machines or dishwashers. If you suspect that the pipes in your apartment are clogged, try this inexpensive and effective method. Thanks to it, a plumber won't be needed.

Pour this into the pipes and flush with hot water. It will unclog in a few minutes

Older sewage systems can cause a lot of problems, and not every housing cooperative can afford to replace them. When the pipes in your apartment seem to be clogged, don't reach for the phone to call a plumber right away.

There is a simple and safe way to unclog the sewage system. To use it, pour a whole kettle of boiling water down the drain. Then pour a cup of baking soda down the drain and leave it for at least 5 minutes.

After this time, boil water again and prepare a cup. Fill it halfway with vinegar, and the rest with boiling water. Pour this mixture down the drain and plug it with an old cloth. After 10 minutes, flush the drain with hot water. This method ensures a safe pipe unclogging.

When should we call a plumber?

If you notice that water is suddenly backing up from your toilet, bathtub, or shower, this is a sign that the pipes are clogged. It is worth using the above method then. Remember to use the mixture both in the toilet (the water must be cooler) and in the bathtub or shower drains.

If, despite this, the contaminants still do not drain, it may indicate damage to the entire vertical pipe. In such a case, it will be necessary to call a plumber to avoid the risk of flooding your neighbors.

It is worth refraining from using popular pipe unclogging agents before the specialist arrives. Often during an intervention, they use metal tools that can react dangerously with the unclogging agent, which can lead to severe sewage system damage.

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