FoodSpin up your breakfast: How to make mini pancakes with a spinach and strawberry twist

Spin up your breakfast: How to make mini pancakes with a spinach and strawberry twist

After such a breakfast, every day will be successful.
After such a breakfast, every day will be successful.
Images source: © Licensor | Pyszności

2:55 AM EST, January 29, 2024, updated: 4:43 AM EST, March 7, 2024

Want to know how to kick off the day just right? Indeed, it's by having a delicious breakfast. Mini cute pancakes perfectly fit the bill. But that's not the crux of the matter! The underlying base of these tantalizing pancakes is genuinely unique. You'll be making them with spinach and strawberries. Now, that's a twist!

If we add an appealing presentation to the mix, we complete our recipe for happiness. A healthy, novel, straightforward breakfast with a sweet twist can grace your table as early as today.

Find the detailed step-by-step recipe in the video link attached.

These speedy spinach and strawberry-based pancakes will captivate the hearts of even the fussiest eaters. And it all starts with the first bite.


  • 5.3 oz strawberries,
  • 2-3 handfuls of fresh spinach,
  • 0.5 cups of milk,
  • 3.5 oz oat flakes,
  • 1 egg,
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder.


Step 1. The cornerstone of our pancakes today is fresh spinach and strawberries. To smoothly blend these ingredients together, I use a blender. Into this, I also incorporate milk, oat flakes, an egg, and baking powder.

Step 2. When the pancake mix reaches a thick and homogeneous consistency, I spoon it onto a pre heated and greased frying pan. Using a standard tablespoon, I create small dollops to maintain a petite size for the pancakes. Believe me, they appear adorable in this size!

I then fry the shaped pancakes for 3-4 minutes on each side. By this time, the pancakes should acquire a delightful golden brown hue.

I combine the ingredients for future pancakes in a blender.
I combine the ingredients for future pancakes in a blender.© Licensor | Pyszności

Step 3. I finish off by sprinkling some coconut on the cooked pancakes and serve with fresh fruit. This time, I opted for strawberries and blueberries, but you're free to mix and match with other fruits as well.

I fry pancakes on both sides.
I fry pancakes on both sides.© Licensor | Pyszności

Moreover, feel free to top your pancakes with an extra drizzle of syrup, chocolate sauce, or honey. Opt for a topping that teases your taste buds the most. Enjoy your meal!

Should you be on the lookout for more intriguing breakfast ideas, do sift through our recipe catalog. You'll find a plethora of fascinating inspirations that are bound to vibrate well with your cooking style.

And you can start eating!
And you can start eating!© Licensor | Pyszności
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