Lifestyle'Spider webbing'. A new toxic dating trend

'Spider webbing'. A new toxic dating trend

'Spider webbing' refers to a new toxic dating trend worth your attention. It often begins like a fairy tale, making it tricky to ascertain if one is entangled in the so-called 'spider web.' However, certain signs deserve scrutiny.

"Spider webbing" is a new and toxic behavior that is attributed to manipulators.
"Spider webbing" is a new and toxic behavior that is attributed to manipulators.
Images source: © Getty Images | Ales

Emma Hathorn, a professional at the luxury dating service Seeking, recently relayed her observations to 'The Sun.' She noticed an unhealthy dating trend, particularly during the initial stages of acquaintance, which engenders a high probability of getting entangled in a toxic relationship with a manipulator. Although early relationship stages often mirror an emotional roller coaster, there are additional 'red flags' one should view as warning signals.

Barrage of Attention

In the nascent stages, you might feel like royalty - showered with messages, attention, and gifts. Typical behavior of a 'spider web' architect includes rapid love confessions and compliments, followed by their abrupt and unexpected absence. This inconsistency could suggest you're dealing with a manipulator.

Fluctuating Extremes

A surge of affection in the early stages of a relationship can be completely natural - a testament to the power of love. Nevertheless, a noticeable contrast in your partner's behavior warrants attention.

If your partner seems warm, congenial, and loving one moment, only to become reserved and distant the next, this dichotomy exemplifies 'breadcrumbing' (the act of giving just enough attention to keep someone hopeful). A pattern of lengthy conversations followed by silence, or hollow yet beautiful words, should make you vigilant. These manipulation tactics often leave you clinging to the hope of progression that may never occur.

Am I Really Losing My Sanity?

An indication of falling prey to 'spider webbing' is being manipulated into doubting your mental wellness and memory capacity. This is a testament to psychological abuse, termed as 'gaslighting'.

Victims often feel frightened and disorientated in such a situation. They begin to question what they see, hear, and feel. To make matters worse, the manipulator might employ therapeutic speech to bolster their own credibility.

The Root Causes of 'Spider Webbing'

Those who employ this type of manipulation often grapple with past traumas. The triggers can be multifaceted, stemming from low self-esteem, narcissism, an inability to navigate relationships, or the urge to dominate their partner.

Avoiding the 'Spider Web'

Hathorn lends some key advice to those navigating the dating scene: "Elevate your standards. And then elevate them again". It's crucial to comprehend the intricacies of manipulation and maintain a firm resolve to avoid such relationships. Sometimes, the person inflicting psychological harm might not realize their actions' implications. Consequently, it's worth initiating a dialogue, and expressing your observations and feelings. If such discussions yield no understanding, consider parting ways.

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