Tips&TricksSkip the vinegar. The surprising dishwasher tablet hack for a spotless shower cabin

Skip the vinegar. The surprising dishwasher tablet hack for a spotless shower cabin

Dissolve in water and scrub the cabin. It will be like new.
Dissolve in water and scrub the cabin. It will be like new.
Images source: © Adobe Stock | herraez

10:42 AM EST, December 19, 2023

When water and soap residues combine, they create an unpleasant deposit on the shower cabin, quickly devolving into scale. Regular cleaning of the cabin can help thwart this issue. However, it's worth noting that most detergents have a hard time dealing with persistent stains.

There is a solution, nonetheless. All that's necessary is to whip up a homemade concoction designed to clean your shower cabin. And no, you don't need vinegar or citric acid. If you happen to possess a dishwasher, you most likely already have the necessary product at your disposal.

Dissolve a tablet in water and wipe your cabin clean for a gleaming finish

Vinegar and citric acid have proven their prowess in tackling scale. A simple wipe of the affected surface with any of these two can result in an impressive scale-free sheen. Using these ingredients, it's entirely possible to fabricate an extraordinary shower cabin cleaning liquid. However, owners of dishwashers have an even more potent option at their disposal in the form of dishwasher tablets. Owing to their high cleaning and polishing component content, they can efficiently deal with even the most stubborn contaminations that have accrued on the cabin's surface.

Wondering how to concoct such a solution? Place the tablet in a tall bowl and pour approximately 0.26 gallons of boiling water over it. Once completely dissolved and the resulting concoction has cooled down, dip a soft microfiber cloth in the solution. Vigorously wipe the cabin with the mixture and let it sit for around 10 minutes. Subsequently, polish the glass with a clean, dry sponge, rinse off the detergent, and dry the glass. There should be no trace of contamination left after these steps.

Insert a tablet into a sponge for a quick and efficient clean

Looking to clean the cabin in the quickest and most straightforward way possible? Prepare a few items - a clean, dry sponge, a dishwasher tablet, and a small knife or pair of scissors. Carve a small hole in the sponge to accommodate the tablet. Remove the coating from the tablet, and place it into the hole in the sponge. Dampen the sponge with water, then scrub it until it produces a slight foam. Wipe down the cabin with the sponge, rinse the glass with water, and dry it thoroughly with a dry cloth or toilet paper. Following these steps once a week will ensure the cabin remains spotless for a long stretch of time.

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