Tips&TricksSilencing the rumbling: Dealing with a noisy, vibrating washing machine at home

Silencing the rumbling: Dealing with a noisy, vibrating washing machine at home

Imagining everyday life without a washing machine, that saves time and energy, seems impossible. Our interactions boil down to merely tossing clothes into the drum, adding detergent, and hitting the "start" button. However, the problem surfaces when a usually quiet washing machine starts to grow noisy and vibrate during its spin cycle.

A spinning washing machine is a serious problem.
A spinning washing machine is a serious problem.
Images source: © Freepik

What makes a washing machine vibrate?

There could be numerous reasons for these symptoms, making it essential to identify each to find the main cause. We often let our excitement overshadow the essential element of removing transport blocks from the drum when we purchase a new washing machine. This seemingly small oversight can result in the machine working loudly and shaking during wash cycles. Before you start using your washing machine, it's critical to set it up correctly; merely placing the device "by sight" is insufficient.

You will need a level and some patience, as your washing machine must be perfectly level with the floor. That's the purpose of adjustable feet on the washing machine – we simply need to adjust them until the washing machine stands firm and straight. If we neglect this, the machine certainly won't stay stationary.

Addressing washing machine vibration

Once you've taken care of these two potential causes, your washing machine should ideally run as expected. If it doesn’t, it’s likely that user error is to blame. Therefore, it's crucial to remember how to use a washing machine correctly. We often overlook the washing machine drum's capacity limits. Overloading your machine not only leads to a poor wash, but can also damage your machine.

In the long term, an overloaded washer cannot withstand the strain and will eventually break down. It's worth referring to the user manual to establish exactly how much weight it can handle. Avoid overstuffing the washing machine drum, which will make the machine operate quieter. If you have difficulty figuring out how many clothes to wash, strategically place a scale and a bowl next to the washing machine and weigh your clothes before washing.

Is a noisy washing machine a sign of damage?

If your washing machine isn't unlevel or blocked, and you're not overstuffing it, but it continues to work loudly during spin cycles, this could indicate damage. Likely, the shock absorber or springs could be worn out and cease functioning correctly. Under these circumstances, check their condition as soon as you can or consider enlisting the help of a professional plumber.

A loud washing machine can be a serious problem.
A loud washing machine can be a serious problem.© Freepik

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