Tips&TricksShort arm? How kitchen tongs and other simple tricks can revolutionize your driving experience

Short arm? How kitchen tongs and other simple tricks can revolutionize your driving experience

Parking meters placed near parking lot entrances can cause a lot of stress. Some drivers need to stretch considerably to get a ticket. Due to its location, many can't reach the parking meter through the window, which forces them to open the door and, in some cases, step out of the vehicle. Once the barrier opens swiftly, the flustered driver quickly re-enters the car, often with the parking ticket in their mouth. Thankfully, if you have 'short arm syndrome,' a solution is within reach. ;)

Kitchen tongs in the car
Kitchen tongs in the car

How can you easily obtain a ticket from a parking meter?

To extend your reach, grab some kitchen tongs. Keep them in your car for easy access. With the tongs, you can conveniently retrieve your ticket without opening your car door. Plus, they're handy for picking up items dropped under your car seats.

What's an effective way to ventilate your car?

Start by opening the passenger side window, then open the driver's door and fan it to usher in fresh air. This method permits quicker and more efficient car ventilation. Don't overlook the benefit of opening your trunk, too!

What should you do if it suddenly starts to hail while you're driving?

Save your car by covering it with a blanket and prioritizing the front windshield and sunroof. Take cover in the backseat to avoid potential injury from glass shards.

How can you vacuum hard-to-reach places within your car?

Attach a toilet paper roll tube to your vacuum cleaner hose. Squeeze the end of the tube to match the spot you want to reach. This hack will help you clear all the dust and debris from those tricky spots.

How can excess moisture be removed from a car?

Leave a bowl of salt near your front windshield overnight. By morning, you shouldn't encounter any frost or moisture issues.

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