NewsShocking. Secret documents reveal orders of Hamas terrorists

Shocking. Secret documents reveal orders of Hamas terrorists

Maps and documents were found on the killed attackers from Hamas.
Maps and documents were found on the killed attackers from Hamas.
Images source: © East News, NBC

7:44 AM EDT, October 14, 2023

Maps and documents found on the bodies of killed Hamas attackers prove that terrorists deliberately attacked elementary schools and a youth center in one of the kibbutzim located on the border with the Gaza Strip - according to the materials published by NBC News.

Hamas has created detailed plans to attack elementary schools and a youth center in the Israeli kibbutz Kfar Sa'ad, in order to "kill as many people as possible", take hostages and quickly move them to the Gaza Strip - reports US portal NBC News, who obtained maps and documents. They were in possession of the terrorists from Hamas, who were killed by the Israeli military.

The plans were marked as "top secret" and, according to NBC, they appear to be orders for two highly trained Hamas units to surround, infiltrate the village, and attack places where civilians gather, including children.

The documents "contain detailed maps and show that Hamas intended to kill or take civilians and school-aged children as hostages" - we read on the NBC News website.

On one of the pages of the secret plan, there are guidelines for two units. One was to secure the eastern side of the Kfar Sa'ad kibbutz, and the other to control the western part. Orders appear: "kill as many as possible" and "take hostages" - reports NBC News.

"Hamas systematically collected intelligence information about each kibbutz bordering Gaza and developed detailed attack plans on each village, which included specifically targeting women and children" - we read in an NBC article, whose journalists rely on information from Israeli officials.

Such a detailed plan of coordinated attacks is in contradiction with Hamas's recent claims that it did not kill children - NBC emphasizes.

Massacre in Kfar Aza

In the neighboring kibbutz Kfar Aza, even more bloody crimes were alleged to have taken place. Israeli media outlets reported accusations that children were beheaded there during the attack.

The spokeswoman for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Tal Heinrich, said on Wednesday that babies and young children with "severed heads" were found in Kfar Aza.

The Israeli army in a statement for CNN later described this scene as a "massacre", where women, children, infants, and the elderly were "brutally murdered in a manner typical of the Islamic State". However, this information cannot be confirmed so far.

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