LifestyleShe smelled a "fishy odor" in the bedroom. Now she warns others

She smelled a "fishy odor" in the bedroom. Now she warns others

Her bedroom stunk of fish for weeks. Claudia didn't expect the issue to be so serious. Now, she warns others. - It's terrifying! - she says, emphasizing that she herself was very lucky.

The woman didn't know what was causing the bad smell (illustrative picture)
The woman didn't know what was causing the bad smell (illustrative picture)
Images source: © Getty Images | Milko

Claudia Anderson confessed that her bedroom reeked of fish for weeks. The young resident of Scotland ignored the strange smell in her bedroom, worrying it might be some embarrassing issue. Eventually, she gathered the courage to investigate the source of the problem. In doing so, she probably saved her life.

The bedroom smelled of rotten fish

Claudia Anderson didn't know the cause of the characteristic, fishy smell. Initially, she was too embarrassed to pay attention to the problem. She suspected that the foul smell could be due to the water and sewage system.

In the end, she spoke about her fears to her husband. First, they started checking the bathroom.

- We removed the elbow from the sink, made sure the toilet is super clean, we cleaned the drain in the shower... - listed Claudia.

The smell, however, still lingered, which meant the problem resided elsewhere.

The house almost went up in flames

Claudia also shared her concerns with a friend who is an electrician. He stated that it is necessary to check the electrical installation, because such a smell could be coming from plastic melting in an electrical outlet.

He was right. After checking the cables, it turned out the problem was a faulty socket, in which a short circuit occurred.

Claudia realized that what initially seemed like just an unpleasant smell was a fire hazard. Overheated electrical wires and melting plastic could lead to a disaster that no one would want to experience.

- It's terrifying! We were extremely lucky that we identified the problem before the house went up in flames! - she confessed.

Now Claudia is warning others. - A fishy smell in your bedroom? Call an electrician! - the woman appeals.

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