Sexual poachers. Sexologist warns against such women
2:21 PM EDT, October 23, 2023
What is the "dark triad"? Prof. Zbigniew Lew-Starowicz admits that patients with such a personality are increasingly appearing in sexology offices. "These are the type of women who break up many very successful marriages, sexually addict their partner, and drain their bank account," describes the expert.
"Dark triad" in men. Watch out for these traits
What is the "dark triad"? Sexologist Prof. Zbigniew Lew-Starowicz explains that this term refers to the personalities of patients. "The concept of the 'dark triad' in men involves the coexistence and overlapping of the following personality traits: psychopathy, narcissism, and Machiavellianism. Indeed, a hellish mixture," emphasizes the specialist in a commentary for the weekly "Wprost".
Prof. Lew-Starowicz emphasizes that such men "at the beginning are charming, seductive, able to read the expectations and needs of their partner, even in the bedroom". On the outside, they also seem like ideal partners and husbands. However, in practice, it turns out that they use manipulation to make the people they are in relationships with increasingly dependent on them, and even disempowered.
According to the sexologist, such men treat sex instrumentally, often also cheating on their partners. Women who associate with partners from the "dark triad" usually have low self-esteem and are prone to complexes. These types of couples come to therapy when the woman starts to emancipate and rebel. At first, the man tries to portray himself in the best possible light, as an ideal husband or father, he wants to make his partner return to the way things were, often also playing the role of a victim.
"Dark triad" in a woman. "Sex plays a big role"
What does the "dark triad" look like in a woman? Prof. Lew-Starowicz describes it in "Wprost" as a combination of "psychopathy, sexual poaching, and using sex to ensnare a man".
"This is the type of women who break up many very successful marriages, sexually addict their partner, clean out his account, until they finally 'hunt' an attractive prey and like a spider gradually weave a web of addiction. In this case, sex is of great importance" - emphasizes the specialist.