FoodSesame paste in coffee? The unexpected ingredient dethroning bulletproof coffee

Sesame paste in coffee? The unexpected ingredient dethroning bulletproof coffee

Coffee, the kind with added butter or oil, has been dethroned. A unique ingredient has taken its place. Coffee with tahini—otherwise known as sesame paste—is steadily climbing the ranks. At first, this combination might seem peculiar, but if you want to know its numerous benefits, stick with us. You won't regret it.

Bulletproof coffee
Bulletproof coffee
Images source: © Adobe Stock

Before we dive into discussions about coffee with tahini, let's explore what tahini is. Tahini is a sesame paste from Asia and the Middle East, made from roasted seeds. You can toss a spoonful into shakes or use it to instantly concoct halva. It's also an excellent ingredient for hummus.

Bulletproof coffee is old news — Try coffee with tahini instead

Preparing coffee with tahini isn't difficult. Purchasing the paste from a store will take minutes to make the drink. Add a teaspoon of coffee to a cup, pour in about 7 ounces of water, mix in milk and a teaspoon of tahini. Stir the ingredients until fully integrated. To achieve a creamy consistency, you can use a milk frother.

If you fancy making your tahini paste, you only need sesame and oil. Lightly roast the sesame seeds in a pan, stirring occasionally. Blend the seeds with oil to create a creamy mass in a few minutes. Then, store the paste in a jar in the refrigerator.

What makes coffee with tahini worth a try?

Drinking coffee with tahini offers many health benefits, similar to those of bulletproof coffee. It is a great source of protein and healthy fats. It also contains dietary fiber which can help prevent constipation and keep your intestines functioning optimally. The considerable amount of important vitamins and minerals found in tahini is an added benefit. But how does such a coffee work in your body?

Here are the notable benefits:

Tahini© Adobe Stock
  • It slows down the aging process,
  • It reduces cholesterol levels in the blood,
  • It helps prevent diabetes and reduces the concentration of hscRP protein in the blood,
  • It soothes inflammation,
  • It boosts memory and concentration,
  • It supports weight loss.

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