EntertainmentSergey Lavrov tours Africa: Strategic visit to junta-led nations

Sergey Lavrov tours Africa: Strategic visit to junta-led nations

Sergey Lavrov went to Africa. The destination is not random.
Sergey Lavrov went to Africa. The destination is not random.
Images source: © X

11:12 AM EDT, June 4, 2024

Sergey Lavrov, the head of Russian diplomacy, has embarked on a journey through several African countries. The Russian politician will visit nations currently governed by military juntas. His presence in Africa serves specific strategic reasons. Lavrov began his trip in Conakry, the capital of Guinea.

Sergey Lavrov's visit to Africa began on Monday. As TVN24 reports, Lavrov touched down in Conakry, where Morissad Kouyate, the head of Guinea’s foreign affairs department, welcomed him. According to Guinea's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lavrov is also scheduled to meet with Colonel Mamady Doumbouya, the junta leader who seized power in 2021.

This marks Lavrov's first visit to Guinea since 2013. Guinea will not be his sole destination; the Kremlin envoy also plans to visit Chad and possibly Burkina Faso.

It is no secret that Russia aims to strengthen its position on the African continent. The Kremlin exerts influence through diplomatic visits, disinformation campaigns, and the Wagner Group's presence. Studies by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies suggest that Russia seeks to undermine democracy in 20 African countries.

Why is Africa so important to Russia?

One of Russia's primary goals in Africa is to gain diplomatic support for the ongoing war in Ukraine. Russia is also militarily engaged through mercenaries from the Wagner Group. Representatives of this group operate in several African countries, gaining access to valuable resources abundant on the continent. Lavrov visited Guinea on Monday. Guinea boasts rich deposits of gold and diamonds and hosts one-third of the world's bauxite reserves.

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