TechScientists debate Noah's Ark existence amid new findings

Scientists debate Noah's Ark existence amid new findings

For a long time, scientists around the world have pondered the existence of Noah's Ark, as described in the biblical story, and the reality of the flood said to have destroyed the entire Earth. These questions generate significant controversy, lacking a unanimous conclusion. While some researchers suggest a potential location where the Ark could be found, others view the flood story as an allegory, arguing against a literal interpretation.
Place of discovery in Turkey
Place of discovery in Turkey
Images source: © Huseyin Yildiz

Noah's Ark and the flood have captivated researchers for years, with many eagerly sharing their discoveries and theories. An intriguing finding occurred when scientists identified an unusual rock formation on Mount Tendürek, near the Turkish-Iranian border, resembling the dimensions of the biblical Ark.
This peculiar rock formation on Mount Tendürek caught attention in 1959, thanks to aerial photographs captured by the military. Subsequent research, including advanced 3D scanning, suggests that structures beneath the surface might be man-made, possibly even the remnants of a ship.
Measurements taken by American and Turkish scientists from the Noah's Ark Scan project indicate that the formation's dimensions closely match those of Noah's Ark as described in the Bible: 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high.
The data gathered suggests a higher likelihood of encountering a man-made structure resembling Noah's Ark, with ground-penetrating radar and electrical resistivity tomography revealing artificial constructs composed of parallel lines and angular shapes—uncharacteristic of natural rock formations.
However, the consensus is not unanimous. Many geologists argue that the rock formation lacks wood particles, a critical component of the Ark's biblical description. They also note that natural processes can mimic structures that appear to be designed by humans.
Some scientists, such as Prof. David Montgomery from the University of Washington, outright dismiss the possibility of a global flood. They underline the insufficiency of water on Earth to cover its entire surface, including the highest mountains. Citing research by the US Geological Survey, Live Science notes that even if all atmospheric water precipitated at once, it would only result in a depth of about 1 inch of water globally.
The feasibility of an ark housing every animal species becomes questionable under this scrutiny. Even with all glaciers and ice caps melted—a scenario NASA has explored—and considering the volume of groundwater, as reported in Nature Geoscience, dry land would still exist.
These findings suggest that waters would envelop the Earth to a depth of about 590 feet at most. Moreover, geologists find no evidence of a global flood in the geological record, casting further doubts on the literal interpretation of Noah's Ark and the flood. Consequently, these elements of biblical narrative are more likely allegorical rather than literal accounts of past events.

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