NewsScandal in Israel: Soldiers' recordings leaked

Scandal in Israel: Soldiers' recordings leaked

Scandal in Israel. Soldier recordings have leaked.
Scandal in Israel. Soldier recordings have leaked.
Images source: © Haaretz, Telegram
ed. MCZ

6:31 AM EST, November 9, 2023

According to the newspaper "Haaretz", there's a growing number of Israeli soldiers recording and later posting videos online showing military personnel beating and humiliating detained Palestinians. The command has punished the soldiers involved in such actions, stating that their behavior is inconsistent with the values of the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF).

"Since the outbreak of the conflict, many soldiers have begun to record how they beat and humiliate detained Palestinians." The publication of these videos on social networks has dramatically increased "following the massacre committed by Hamas in the southern settlements," writes the Israeli newspaper "Haaretz".

Incidents not restricted to Gaza: Reports from the West Bank

Reporters have collected 15 films that have been posted online since October 7. The Israeli Defense Forces confirmed at least five were recorded after the conflict began. The military added the remaining videos are "being reviewed as we seek a solution to this issue".

The videos show Palestinians with bound hands and covered faces; in some cases, they are filmed either naked or partially clothed. In some videos, soldiers can be seen beating Palestinians and shouting obscenities while forcing detainees to perform humiliating acts.

"Whilst it's not clear where these videos were recorded or who the Palestinians are, most seem to have been shot in the West Bank, not in the combat zones of Gaza. Moreover, most of these detained Palestinians were released without questioning shortly after," reports the newspaper.

One of these videos, shot in the Yatta region south of Mount Hebron, shows seven prisoners lying on the ground, handcuffed and blindfolded. One of them, apparently wounded, was recorded with his pants down.

Muhammad, 55, told "Haaretz" that soldiers invaded his home at night, taking him and his son. They were forced to the ground and bound. "We were beaten and verbally abused. They struck me with what felt like a powered object, hitting my head from all sides till I bled," he recounted.

In another video, completely naked Palestinians are visible. They are blindfolded and handcuffed while Israeli soldiers abuse and drag them on the ground.

In a particularly unsettling scene, a soldier is seen kicking a Palestinian in the head. The origin of the video is disputed: Palestinian networks claim it was shot in the West Bank, while an IDF spokesperson denies this.

IDF claims the videos feature terrorists

According to Israeli authorities, most of the individuals in these videos "took part in the October 7 massacre." They assert that the recordings were not made in the West Bank but in the Gaza Strip, several days after an attack by Hamas.

The IDF spokesman acknowledged the illegality of these actions: "The armed forces' behavior shown in these recordings is of severe concern and contrary to the tenets of the army," the IDF spokesman stressed.

Soldiers accused of torturing Palestinians

In another recording shot near Bethlehem, a bound Palestinian prisoner can be seen, his eyes covered. An Israeli soldier verbally abuses and physically attacks him. The soldier insults him, uses denigrating language, and assaults him verbally and physically. The Palestinian cries out in pain.

The IDF spokesman confirmed the authenticity of the video and revealed that the soldier was a reservist. This soldier was sentenced to 10 days imprisonment and discharged from service.

"Haaretz" reports a "popular genre of videos" where soldiers force Palestinians to say demeaning sentences. An IDF spokesperson confirms such situations are occurring and disciplinary action is being taken against the offending soldiers.

Unsettling video triggers scandal in Israel

A video shot at the Al-Awja checkpoint in the Jordan Valley shows a detained and handcuffed Palestinian with a soldier dancing around him. "The content of this video is incompatible with IDF values. The procedures relating to detainments have been improved," quotes the IDF spokesman.

Newspaper draws attention to "escalating arbitrary violence"

Since the start of the conflict, Palestinians in East Jerusalem have been reporting an increase in random violence by the Israeli police and military. According to "Haaretz", many testimonies and documents highlight cases where young people from East Jerusalem have suffered severe beatings at the hands of police officers and prison guards.

The IDF spokesman stated, "based on the documentation of cases cited in the article, the treatment of Palestinian prisoners by soldiers does not align with the values of the IDF. These matters are taken seriously, under investigation and consideration. IDF commanders have held directive discussions on these issues with all soldiers in the sector, and in some instances, disciplinary action has been taken. In appropriate cases, further measures such as discontinuation of reserve service are being taken."

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