TechRussia's arsenal equipped to sustain 2024 operations, faces future challenges

Russia's arsenal equipped to sustain 2024 operations, faces future challenges

Russian tanks in the Rostov region
Russian tanks in the Rostov region
Images source: © Getty Images | Erik Romanenko

5:16 PM EDT, March 20, 2024

The Russian Federation possesses enough weaponry to continue its military operations at the current rate into 2024, reports the Unian agency, drawing on an analysis by the American think tank Jamestown Foundation. The analysis, authored by Pavel Luzin, notes that Russia primarily relies on Soviet-era equipment stockpiles.

"These storage bases seem limitless," the report comments. However, Russia faces challenges in replenishing these arsenals, meaning the aggressor army could struggle to sustain its military capabilities if Ukraine keeps up a high level of combat intensity. This does not imply, though, that Russia's stockpiles are anywhere near depletion. Quite the opposite.

The analysis predicts that the Russian Federation is equipped to maintain its combat operations at the current intensity throughout 2024, thanks to the reserves accumulated in its warehouses. "From 2025 onwards, it will become more difficult for Russia to undertake offensive operations," the analysis suggests. What are the specifics of the equipment referenced in the Jamestown Foundation's report?

Remaining Military Equipment in Russia's Arsenal

Pavel Luzin provides detailed figures, breaking down the inventory of Russian military vehicles by type. The analytical firm's data reveals that Russia's reserves include 4,000 tanks, 100 BRDM-2 units, 2,800 BMP-1 and BMP-2 units, 1,000 MTLB units, and 1,300 BTR-60/70 units.

Moreover, Russia has thousands of self-propelled and towed artillery pieces. The most notable among these are 1,800 2S1 Gvozdika units, 750 2S3 Acacia and 2S5 Giatsint units each, 350 Nona-S units, as well as 2,400 towed D-30, 700 D-20, and 550 Giatsint-B units. The report also highlights the presence of 1,500 BM-21 Grad launchers within the Russian military.

While the analysis does not specify which tanks are most prevalent in Russia, data from 2021 and 2022 suggest that T-72 and T-80 tanks, equipped with a 2A46M 125 mm gun, are likely predominant. These tanks pose a significant threat to the defending forces. It's also important to spotlight the vast arsenal of artillery at Russia's disposal, crucial for long-range attacks and bolstering offensive capabilities.

The most common artillery piece in Russian reserves is the 2S1 Gvozdika, dating back to the 1970s. With over 10,000 units produced, mostly for Russian and Ukrainian forces, this weapon system, weighing nearly 35,273 pounds, fires 122 mm shells that can reach distances of up to 14.3 miles.

The 2S3 Acacia and 2S5 Giatsint, both featuring the D-20 152 mm howitzer and firing fragmentation-explosive shells weighing about 94.8 pounds over distances of approximately 12.4 miles, are also worth mentioning for their substantial numbers and capabilities.

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