Russia's antidepressant sales surge amid ongoing conflict
In 2024, the sale of antidepressant drugs in Russia increased by 20%, reaching 16.1 million packages by November, according to the economic newspaper "Kommersant," which cited market analysts' data.
The sale of antidepressant drugs in Russia in 2024 reached a record level, increasing by 20% compared to the previous year. By November, 16.1 million packages were sold, reports "Kommersant," citing market analysts' data.
War and antidepressants
The demand for antidepressants among Russians surged following the invasion of Ukraine in 2022. In just the first month after the outbreak of the war, the sale of antidepressants tripled. In 2024, the demand increased by 22% compared to 2023, according to the Advanced Technology Development Center, as cited by the newspaper.
Such a dramatic increase in demand and limited drug supplies to Russia are causing difficulties in purchasing certain medications.
"Patients suffering from depression have started to use traditional methods of coping with the illness less frequently and are visiting doctors more often," said Nikolai Bespalov, the director of a Russian pharmaceutical company, as quoted by the "Moscow Times."