TechRussians reportedly moving equipment from the Kaliningrad region

Russians reportedly moving equipment from the Kaliningrad region

S-400 Triumph System.
S-400 Triumph System.
Images source: © Wikimedia Commons | Dmitriy Fomin

4:57 PM EST, November 14, 2023

According to the Military portal, the air defense systems S-400 have likely been relocated from the Kaliningrad region to Rostov-on-Don. This inference is based on the analysis by Bellingcat researchers. Here, we recap the significance of these systems to the Russians.

Bellingcat analysts relied on a series of satellite images spanning from late October to early November 2023. The material suggests that the Russians were repositioning components of the S-400 missile systems from at least two locations in the Kaliningrad region.

As of now, it is uncertain where the mentioned weapons have ultimately been moved to. Analysts speculate that Rostov-on-Don is the most likely destination. Evidence to support these interpretations includes not only various satellite images but also an increased frequency of flights of military transport aircraft An-124 and Il-76. Reportedly, these aircraft were taking off more frequently from the Kaliningrad region, heading towards Russia, during the analyzed time frame.

The routes of the aforementioned flights were challenging to monitor in their last stages. This is due to the pilots disabling their transponders while flying over Russian territory, which rendered tracking the route and landing spot unfeasible.

The analysis of satellite images was further complicated by weather conditions, deteriorating the quality of materials from the analyzed period. Despite this, researchers suggest the Russians likely moved some weapons from near the city of Gwardiejsk, located about 25 miles east of Königsberg.

The Russians' motives behind moving the equipment remain speculative. But it is feasible that these actions are related to probable preparations for an escalated attack on Ukraine and the expected counterattack from defenders who have already publicly speculated the conduct of the strike.

About the Russian S-400 systems

The development of these air defense and missile defense systems can be traced back to the 1980s. Created by the Almaz bureau, they were designed to neutralize all kinds of aerial targets such as airplanes, helicopters, and ballistic missiles.

The S-400 Triumf is a valuable asset to the Russians due to its ability to intercept intercontinental missiles equipped with nuclear warheads, the reach of which varies depending upon the version.

The weekly number of military flight operations of Russian aircraft from the Kaliningrad region.
The weekly number of military flight operations of Russian aircraft from the Kaliningrad region.© X | @auonsson

The heaviest and longest-range missile, the 40N6E, weighs nearly 4409 lbs and can reach targets as far as 249 miles away. Conversely, the lightest missile, the 9M96, weighing only 772 lbs, has a range of about 31 miles. The S-400 system encompasses radar, an independent target detection and missile guidance system, launchers, and a command and control center.

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