TechRussian kamikaze drone stumped by old-school defence. How metal mesh saved Ukrainian howitzer

Russian kamikaze drone stumped by old‑school defence. How metal mesh saved Ukrainian howitzer

The net saved the Crab.
The net saved the Crab.
Images source: © X

1:49 AM EST, January 17, 2024

During the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian war, the use of drones, adapted to drop various explosive charges, or simply deployed as kamikaze units, has become commonplace. Consequently, the use of conventional metal mesh to protect military vehicles has seen an increase. This simple solution offers a degree of protection against attacks from the sky.

Mesh Shield Saves the Crab from the Lancet Drone

The resourcefulness of the metal mesh was demonstrated during a clash involving the highly revered Ukrainian Polish Crab and the Russian kamikaze drone, Lancet-3. The Russians attempted to target the self-propelled howitzer, but seemingly overlooked its mesh protection from above.

Images shared on social media depict how the warhead from the kamikaze drone was launched but failed to inflict any damage on the Crab. The Lancet-3 was lodged within the mesh and didn't make any contact with the howitzer built in Poland.

The Lancet-3's design features wing shape like an X. Its warhead, depending on the model, weighs either 2.2 or 6.6 lbs. The drone's development and production are handled by ZALA AERO, a member of the Kalashnikov Group. Updated models were introduced in December 2022, bearing similarities to the drone that got ensnared in the net. As per the specification, the speed of the Lancet-3 can reach up to 68 mph, and it has a flight duration of 40 minutes.

Russian kamikaze drones are capable of targeting vehicles from above, the side, or rear. Hence, it's crucial to accurately position the mesh and shield the vehicle from all possible directions.

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