Russian convicts at war: desperate measures to avoid jail
It's not uncommon for Russian convicts to opt for warfront instead of facing prison terms. For instance, Oleg Gumenyuk, the corrupt past mayor of Vladivostok, enlisted himself on the warline to regain his freedom.
It's not a secret that Russian authorities dispatch criminals to warfronts. The Russian military is filled with rogues, murderers, and thieves. Oleg Gumenyuk is now tacitly admitted in this infamous band.
For Oleg Gumenyuk, warring in Ukraine was his only escape from legal charges. In 2023, this former official was indicted for accepting bribes of 38 million rubles (around 300,000 dollars).
Initially, he was handed a sentence of 16.5 years imprisonment. Later, his sentence was cut down to a 12-year jail term.
Gumenyuk Managed to Evade Imprisonment
Gumenyuk has been desperate to join the forces since the beginning of the war. He was fully aware of his impending punishment, and the army, brimming with culprits, presented an escape route.
After languishing for nearly a year in prison, Gumenyuk realized his goal. Anton Herashchenko announced on Twitter, as reported by media outlets, that the former mayor has moved to the frontline where he can relish his freedom.
However, the duration of his freedom remains unknown. Given the relentless battlefield, many Russians have perished, and many merry prisoners may never make a safe return to their homeland.
Regardless of the dire threat posed by Ukrainians, droves of Russians are eager to join the armed resistance and dodge prison terms.
Sergei Novikov serves as another example. Previously the deputy prime minister of Khakassia, this politician was charged with bribery, and warfront was his solo survival card to dodge conviction.