EntertainmentRussian actress' lavish gift backfires: 8-year-old unimpressed by BMW birthday present

Russian actress' lavish gift backfires: 8‑year-old unimpressed by BMW birthday present

In the world of celebrities, children's birthdays often serve as a platform to showcase wealth. The emotional significance of gifts is sometimes overlooked, with the focus being shifted to the value of expensive presents, essentially demonstrating the celebrities' financial status. This approach often invites societal criticism.

The child is unhappy with the car.
The child is unhappy with the car.
Images source: © Instagram | Anna Khilkevich

Young girl receives a BMW

Anna Khilkevich, a Russian dubbing actress, has stirred up controversy. On December 19, she uploaded a video on Instagram, which didn't go well with the audience. The video was from her 8-year-old daughter's birthday celebration, in which her daughter received an expensive BMW M4 car decorated with colorful lights as a gift. To Khilkevich's surprise, her daughter was visibly disappointed with the present.

Internet users severely criticized Anna Khilkevich in the comments.

"I just don't understand, why would a child need a car?"

"Who uses their own child's birthday to build their public image? She definitely comes across as an ordinary actress and mother."

"Even a doll would have brought more joy to the child. It's harsh to rob a girl of her childhood".

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