Russia. "Errors" found in paperwork of anti-war candidate
While Boris Nadehzdin anticipated problems with registering for elections, he managed to have 105.000 signatures under his name, but it turned out that it wasn't enough.
Will he canditate?
Nedezhdin, the only anti-war candidate in upcoming elections, is closely observed by the Kremlin not to ruin Putin's dream of the highest-ever approval in the voting. Since the beginning of his elections, he has stood strongly against attacking Ukraine, which got him hated by all of the government-controlled media.
However, as he tried to get more signs that he was required, the state agencies reported that a big part of them were so-called dead souls.
"When we see dozens and dozens of people who are no longer alive leaving signatures, the question arises about the purity of ethical norms, including by signature collectors." - the deputy head of the government agency Tass, Nikolai Bulayev, said—suggesting that in light of not seeing support for his "anti-war propaganda," Nadezhdin probably tried to cheat his way to the ballot.
Sources: Reuters; The Guardian