Russia accuses US of plotting cyber-attack on elections
The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) alleges that "the administration of J. Biden is instructing American NGOs to reduce voter turnout in the Russian presidential elections." It also claimed that "with the help of top American IT experts, planned cyber-attacks on the remote electronic voting system would disenfranchise a significant number of Russian voters." However, these accusations have not been supported with any evidence.
Many reports from Russian media or government officials are considered propaganda. These reports contribute to the informational warfare led by the Russian Federation.
Putin worried about turnout as Russians show apathy towards voting
The presidential elections in Russia, set for March 17, have stirred little worry among the authorities about the outcome. The main concern, however, is the expected record-low voter turnout.
According to Meduza, sources close to the Kremlin say Russian citizens display "little interest" in the upcoming elections. In response, Kremlin officials plan to deploy electronic voting machines and QR codes to boost participation to their target of 70–80%.
Source: Reuters, Meduza, Wiadomości WP