Tips&TricksRhubarb leaves: The garden superhero against slugs and weeds

Rhubarb leaves: The garden superhero against slugs and weeds

Are slugs feasting on your vegetables or ornamental plants? Next time you're peeling rhubarb, don't toss its leaves into the garbage. Why? Because they excel at managing intruders, safeguarding your crops from ruin.

How to exterminate slugs and aphids from crops?
How to exterminate slugs and aphids from crops?
Images source: © Getty Images | BSIP

Rhubarb is commonly used in crumble cakes, compotes with red fruits, and jams. However, because of its high oxalic acid content, we usually avoid eating its leaves, so they're often discarded thoughtlessly.

Consumption of the leaves can pose health hazards and may lead to kidney problems. Yet, when utilized in the garden, they offer a boon to crop owners battling pests. Say goodbye to holes in lettuce leaves or damaged chives.

This preparation will keep slugs at bay and safeguard your greens

As an insecticidal solution, rhubarb leaves are second to none. They offer a straightforward, quick, and, most importantly, natural method to eliminate pests from your garden. This includes nuisances like slugs and aphids that mar vegetable crops and decorative flora.

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To deploy, simply boil the leaves in water for about 30 minutes. After cooling and straining out the solids, transfer the lukewarm liquid to a bottle, adding a few drops of dishwashing soap.

Apply to plants and vegetables with a spray atomizer to ward off pests. You'll quickly observe a reduction in slug damage. Nonetheless, ensure to rinse the vegetables well prior to consumption.

Rhubarb leaves: A natural remedy against weeds

Struggling with weeds in your garden beds? Utilize rhubarb leaves by laying them around your vegetable plants and ornamentals. They won't just enrich the soil; their usage markedly curtails weed proliferation. Their herbicidal benefit eliminates the need for chemical alternatives.

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