LifestyleRevolutionize your toilet cleaning: How you can ditch store-bought chemicals for homemade freshness

Revolutionize your toilet cleaning: How you can ditch store-bought chemicals for homemade freshness

How does one clean a toilet? Conventionally, most people opt for store-bought chemical agents that promise to eradicate 100 percent of bacteria. Unfortunately, these can be pretty costly. On the brighter side, a handmade cleaner can be just as effective and is a much cheaper and environmentally friendly alternative; it has a more appealing scent.

Cleaning the toilet in a homemade way is very simple.
Cleaning the toilet in a homemade way is very simple.
Images source: © Getty Images

Creating your own homemade cleaner for the toilet

Preparing a homemade cleaning agent involves a simple recipe. You will need: a cup of baking soda, a cup of citric acid, one lemon rind, and a few drops of essential oil. Lavender, rosemary, or eucalyptus oils are highly recommended.

Mix the baking soda and citric acid in a container, add the grated lemon rind, and pour in the essential oil of your choice. Add a small amount of water, ideally sprayed in using a sprayer to maintain a consistency that allows you to form balls from the mixture. These balls can be stored for up to two weeks, beyond which they may lose some effectiveness.

Using the homemade cleaner requires you to drop it into the toilet, close the lid, and wait for about thirty minutes before flushing, and voilà, your toilet is cleaned without scrubs. These cleaning balls contain ingredients effective at removing both dirt and limescale, providing you with a perfect result.

A simpler approach to homemade toilet cleaning

You can further simplify the process of home-based toilet cleaning. Mix together one-third cup of baking soda and one-fourth cup of citric acid, pour this mixture into the toilet and gently stir until cleaning foam forms. Let it sit for half an hour, and then flush.

Vinegar serves as an excellent combatant against limescale in the toilet. Mix it with water in equal proportions, say half a cup each, and add a few drops of essential oil to banish any unpleasant odor. Transfer this mixture into a spray bottle and spritz onto the limescale covered areas.

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