FoodRevolutionize your salad game: Try this nutrient-packed red cabbage recipe, no blanching required

Revolutionize your salad game: Try this nutrient-packed red cabbage recipe, no blanching required

Coleslaw from red cabbage that you don't have to parboil. Simple and exceptionally delicious.
Coleslaw from red cabbage that you don't have to parboil. Simple and exceptionally delicious.
Images source: © Adobe Stock | ROMANA MARTYNIUK

12:30 PM EST, January 26, 2024

While red cabbage is notoriously tough, blanching isn't a necessity. An alternate method for prepping red cabbage salad might surprise you with its ease and exceptional taste. Including a dressing of mayonnaise and mustard, plus some other tasty additions, can result in a spectacular salad. Discover why it might be worth deviating from the traditional recipe and exploring a new realm of flavor.

Preparing red cabbage salad without blanching


  • A small head of red cabbage or half of a larger one,
  • A small red onion,
  • 1 carrot,
  • A bunch of dill,
  • 2 teaspoons of honey mustard,
  • 1 teaspoon of French mustard,
  • 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise,
  • 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice,
  • A grated garlic clove,
  • 1 tablespoon of honey or sugar,
  • Salt and pepper.


  1. Start by grating the cabbage and carrot using a coarse grater. Chop the onion and dill finely. Combine all in a bowl and mix thoroughly.
  2. Next, add the mayonnaise, both types of mustard, lemon juice, grated garlic, and honey or sugar. Season with salt and pepper, and give it another good stir.

Additional tips:

  • Add an apple to the salad for a nice balance of sweet and sour flavors, plus some extra juiciness.
  • For a stronger flavor, add a bit of horseradish or ginger.
  • You can also include other vegetables in your red cabbage salad, such as celery, parsley, or cucumber.

Give this recipe a try, and you'll see that an unblanched red cabbage salad can be just as savory and even healthier than the conventional version.

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